UST Launches DfE Backed Attendance Hub

UST and St Paul’s Way Secondary School launches Attendance Hub to support schools

University Schools Trust and St Paul’s Way Secondary School are proud to announce that we are launching an Attendance Hub to share effective practice and practical resources with other schools.

The launch comes after being selected to be a part of the Department for Education’s national initiative, which will now see 32 hubs supporting around 2,000 schools.

SPW has been recognised for its excellent record on attendance in the face of a national crisis that has seen numbers of ‘severe absence’ double from pre-pandemic levels.

Improving attendance is an integral part of boosting attainment. Evidence shows pupils with higher attendance tend to have higher attainment across all key stages.

It is also widely accepted that the social connection that goes hand-in-hand with attending school can also have a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of young people.

UST’s Trust Leader, Gillian Kemp, said:

“Our selection as part of this national initiative is testament to the robust procedures that we have in place at St Paul’s Way. The school has worked tirelessly to ensure that our community understand the importance of regular attendance.

“The government’s ‘Moments Matter, Attendance Counts’ campaign highlights how detrimental poor attendance is, and we are delighted to have the opportunity to play a role in addressing this national issue.”