Why join UST?

University Schools Trust

University Schools Trust (UST) is a partnership of schools, universities, and public and private sector bodies. We are uniquely placed to change the educational landscape for the pupils, staff, parents and wider communities whom we serve.

A key strength of the Trust is its Trustees, appointed from our world leading and internationally renowned University Partners, and from key organisations in both the charitable and statutory sectors. They are able to open up to our staff, pupils and families an extensive and comprehensive range of experiences and opportunities. Our schools and Trust partners are committed to empowering communities, improving social justice and breaking barriers for social mobility, and have a particular focus on reducing the attainment gap for those who are amongst the most disadvantaged in our society.

For more information

For more information on joining UST, in the first instance, please contact Gillian Kemp, Trust Leader on 020 3405 9340 or gkemp@ust.london