The Trust Dividend

The Trust Dividend

At present we are a group of schools, with strong, mutually impactful relationships - which is key to our success. Our Trustees have set the strategic direction in partnership with school leaders, local school committees and staff. All Trustees understand the challenges facing both our individual schools and the wider education setting. Consequently, our ambitious strategic plan is to deliver success through the synthesis of the work of our Trustees and central team, and the collaboration between our schools. We identify this as the ‘Trust Dividend’.

  • The Trust Dividend offers all our pupils equal access to a high-quality educational experience.
  • The Trust Dividend offers our professional educators exceptional development opportunities to enable them to achieve their full potential.
  • Leading presents challenges but it also presents some extraordinary possibilities for codifying what works across multiple schools for the greater good of all.
  • The Trust Dividend is the aggregate impact of the formal collaboration between our schools and the development of central services to enhance improvement.
  • As part of the Trust Dividend, we believe pooling funding to develop central services is key so that school leaders, teachers and support staff can focus on our pupils.

The Trust recognises that further expansion would maximise the Trust dividend and economies of scale in terms of efficient central services. However, such expansion will only take place if the schools or academies involved are willing participants, and that they share the values and ethos of the Trust.